The ultimate guide to complex credit mortgages
The mortgage market has been significantly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, and specialist lenders have certainly not been an exception.
But, as we begin to see the market return to normal, one thing is clear – post-crisis, specialist lending will be more important than ever.
Brokers – it’s the Age of The Unlendables.
Time to prepare yourself for a rise in specialist mortgage applications.
Get started today!
It’s time mortgage lending got a shake-up
As a broker, you want to see as many people as possible moved into their dream homes. But, partnering with high-street lenders, that’s about to get a whole lot harder.
The main-stream approach – based mostly on credit scores – is an archaic way of assessing creditworthiness that unfairly holds people back in life. It’s time that approach got a shake-up.
At Bluestone, we want to widen the range of customers able to access a mortgage – and our manual underwriting approach allows us to do just that.
Because we take time to understand the full nature of your clients’ personal and financial situation, we can be as flexible as possible. That’s how mortgages should be, don’t you agree?
Who we can help
Find out the customers we can help and the products we offer.
The benefits of servicing this growing market
Hint: helping more people doesn’t just make good business sense, it’s good ethics too.
What to do if a client
doesn’t fit our normal criteria
If you have a client who doesn’t meet our online criteria, we might still be able to help. We explain how.
How to submit an application
View our simple three-step process (because there’s no reason specialist mortgage applications should have complex processes)
We’re recognised
So, what do you say?
Are you ready to join the Unlendables revolution?
Let’s secure your clients’ their dream homes.
& Give credit where credit is due.